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Designed by an HS warrior for HS warriors!
HidraWear dressings are soft and super absorbent so they lock in large amounts of drainage. The garment holds the dressing in place.
The fasteners secure the dressing in place through the "functional windows" in the garment.

You can use your own dressings with the garment, but please note that HidraWear dressings have been tested and validated with the garment. Other dressings may not stay in place or function correctly, but it is possible to use other dressings.
*not yet reimbursable in CA
Machine washable and reusable pads to help with draining abscesses in the groin, labia, butt, and scrotum as well as ice packs specifically designed for those specific sensitive areas. These are vetted by HS sufferers and others with chronic illnesses!
Request the "wicking jersey fabric" for the cloth type as opposed to the flannel, which would would be a special order. This is a personal preference, you may like the flannel. The wicking fabric will absorb more drainage and is more breathable which can also help prevent yeast rashes and/or infection.
If you need extra long flaps to help with the crease of your legs, please indicate that in your order.
Content on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment because of something you have read on this website.